Saturday, May 17, 2008

Do You Think?

The title is not a rhetorical question. Let me explain. I believe (meaning that it is my opinion - implying that I have invested the time and energy to form one) that we have removed the need for the members of our society to question basic beliefs. You either believe in God or you don't and either way you're wrong. You are either liberal (and therefore a Godless, secular humanist) or a conservative (and therefore a religious fanatic) and ne'er the twain shall meet. And neither side of either particular social division you'd care to name has invested the time and energy to justify a solidly held belief. News isn't news -its entertainment. Politics is about spin and power, not about public service.

Let me forward a few old ideas that have become extremely unpopular:

An unquestioned faith isn't faith, its a cult.

Those who sacrifice liberty for security shall have neither.

Problems are solved face-to-face, not by committee or government funding.

Government is the least capapble institution of solving your problems, with the Federal government at the pinnacle of incapabilty.

Does any of that sound familiar? We teach our children to pass standardized tests in order not to endanger federal funding to our schools. People are actually afraid to voice an unpopular opinion because they might be ridiculed and villainized by "their peers". Why? And why are they villianized? Why is it not okay to disgree with a majority opinion? Why do we allow the government to dictate what is and what is not a good education? If I sold you a deal to provide a 4-star movie once a week and then sent cartoons, you'd be pissed. But our government does that every single day and we don't even question it.

Apathy is the coin of the realm. Nobody cares. And the last time that happened to a world power, Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany. It should scare the crap out of any reasonable person.

But it doesn't.

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