The parties have sufficiently polarized each other that our current legislature is inherently incapable of doing its job. The debacle over the credit ceiling would be comical if it didn't so negatively impact the economy and therefore virtually every American citizen. With that in mind, it becomes, at best, gross incompetence.
Its time to remind everybody in governments everywhere exactly who they work for. I propose the best and most efficient way to do that is to fire the current employees in Congress - all of them. If you want to see radical change in the way business is done in Congress, then change the roster -the whole roster. Tell the Tea Party to go hang, write the special interests out of their ability to unduly influence your representatives by doing what the Founding Fathers planned for you to do. VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT! If I was as incompetent at my job as they have proved to be at theirs, I would be unemployed. I think it only apropos that my legislative representatives be held to the same standards that I am.
Can you imagine the rush back to moderation if the polarized and polarizing members of Congress were tossed out by a general election in which it was the will of the true majority of moderate, sensible people? Conservatives are scared of the Tea Party. They should be scared of me and you. Remind them why and send a message that cannot be ignored to Washington.
No incumbents should return to their seat, be they Senators or Representatives. Its time to exercise our right to revolt that was written into the Constitution. Its time that Congress men and women represented their constituencies and shows the moral fortitude to do the right thing, even if its not along party lines or, heaven forbid!, it cost them points in a public opinion poll.
Help make history. Participate in supporting a moderate or at least rational new candidate of your choice, vote, participate in your precinct conventions and make your voice heard. America is strong and vital. Let's send that message to Washington and show them who is really in charge. Let's remind Congress, the President and all the bureaucrats that they, ultimately, work for us and will answer to us if they perform poorly. And I cannot recall and have not studied a more ineffective Congress since before the Civil War.
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