Sunday, October 13, 2024

I Am Called By My Conscience To State...

     I have listened to all kinds of people whom I respect and value say that it is necessary for ordinary Americans to speak up and plainly state what they believe in and point out those things they think are wrong in America, especially politically. I imagine it would be difficult to find an American more ordinary than myself and I do have my opinions on what is important and what is true. So, damn them, now I feel obligated to say these things in a somewhat public forum. So here goes...

    First, a little personal history: I was the first registered Republican in my family since Reconstruction. I voted in my first Republican primary when I was 19. I stayed a Republican for many years and donated my somewhat hard earned money to Republican candidates that I believed in (and still do - believe in them, not donate). I understand from a personal perspective what conservative beliefs are and what I think they should be. To quote Gordon Sinclair, "the government should defend my shores, deliver my mail and leave me the hell alone".

    That is not the Republican party of today. The current party has genuflected and is genuflecting to a demagogue that cannot help but lie, cheat, and defame all who disagree with him. I cannot and will not support any institution whose sole function is to support one man in a quest for power. (I will leave the faults of Donald Trump for more knowledgeable people to enumerate). I do believe that the Republican party has put America in an existential crisis. Not Donald Trump, the Republican party. 

    The Republican party has stacked the courts, passed unfair laws, killed problem-solving laws, , and refused to concede elections and undertake the peaceful transfer of power that is so basic and vital to our democracy. They seek to dehumanize some and villainize others in what I can only see as an attempt to create fear in order to gain power. It is at the very least immoral and at its worst, criminal. It should be and must be treated as such. Make no mistake, Trump and his fellow conspirator are on trial because a Grand jury found enough credible evidence to issue an indictment. That does not make them guilty, but the people deserve their day in court as much as any defendant.

    Only a couple of elected Republican officials stood up and stated that what occurred on January 6th was wrong and should have consequences. Instead of supporting them, the party vilified them. Choosing to support those they perceived as the purveyors of power over what was right for America. Hell, over what was right for them. They were in the capital when it was attacked. Those few have my respect and gratitude. The rest of them have my contempt. They are cowards afraid of losing what little power they have managed to acquire.

    As a former Republican, let me attempt to re-educate my former party. They are merely stewards of a power granted to them by a much more powerful entity. The holders and brokers of power in America is still the American people. When have been in these dark halls before, where through lies and the creation of false fears, Americans were duped into going along with horrible and vicious actions. Think of the Japanese interment camps of WWII, the "Red Scare" of Joseph McCarthy (Look where he ended up). The same thing is being attempted now, but the dehumanized faction is "immigrants". Its easy to dehumanize them. They look different, they speak differently, they do not worship the same God (which is BS), they eat different food. OMG, how terrible. They also have the same hopes, dreams and aspirations that you and I do. They didn't come here to make us afraid. They came here to make things better for themselves and their children. 

    And we need them. The American economy would collapse without the work and spending of immigrants. Our population would literally be shrinking if they weren't coming. Deaths of U.S. citizens outnumber births by 100's of thousand right now. We need immigrant to do the jobs they are being accused of stealing for the simple reason that there are no Americans to fill them. Its simple math. And guess what else immigrants do; they spend money, they pay taxes and the contribute to their communities. Like it or not, they are your neighbors, your cohorts in local politics, and, if you give them a chance, your friends. They are not eating your pets. But they will help you fend off dangers to your home, your family and your pets. Why? Because they have them, too.

    The real power in America is not in Washington, D.C. or rather not just in Washington, D.C. It is not in any one place. It is us. We are the power. We exercise that power every time we cast a vote. We decide who gets to sit in Congress and pass laws that govern our society, We decide who sits in the Oval office and executes those laws. We decide which laws are fair and just and, by God, our Congresspeople better get them passed or appealed if we decide they are unfair and unjust, or we will use our power to find someone who will. They are public servants, we are the public. They serve at OUR whim. And, I believe, its time we let the Republican party know that by not voting for their cowardly, unjust and unfair policies and candidates. While I cannot agree with all of her policies, I cannot vote for fear and hatred and the pushing of the idea of "other". I am voting for Kamala Harris. And while you are welcomed to reasoned disagreement, personal attacks will be willfully ignored.

    So I implore you. I beg you with everything I can bring to bear to persuade you - VOTE. Do not let this election go by without your personal exercise of your power. Vote for whomever you choose, but for all the right reasons, VOTE! May God bless each and every human being on the planet, and may God bless the United States of America.

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